Our performance-> 1.QM farewell party (Rising sun and ojungbanghab perf.)
2.Puan Mary's farewell party (Happiness)
3.QM farewell party (Don't don't)
4.F.O.A (Purple line-biggest perf.)
Our first song->Always there.
Our favourite action together->DBSK HUG!
Our favourite faith-> pray before we start dancing.
Our MOTTO-> Whatever they say, we dont care.
Our 1st manager-> Christina Devina.(Miss her lots.)
Our 2nd manager-> Joe Yee:)

1. Beverley (Leader)
2. Sze Hui (Ah lao/ Yobo)
3. Sue Yee (My dear son)
4. Dephanie (Buddy) EDBSK got meaning.

beverley-mickyhater.She was once
Nicknames :
Words to them :

Thank you for being my best best friend. When im down you are always there for me.You're a super funny kia. You make me laugh all the time. When i don't have confidence, you encouraged me. You helped me a lot thru the troubles. You lend me your shoulder to cry on. Teach me dancing steps that i cant follow up.lols. We can talk on the phone for hours. Thanks for always sharing your worries with me. We went thru hardships and easyships together! It's great knowing! You rmb st john training? It was like hell but with you it was fun and kind of worth it. It moulds my courage.Hah.We go for tuition together(bm,bc).We talk, laugh, cry, eat, play, dance, sing, scream, get punished together, bath?><, sleep, share out things.Even private things? I went to your house zillion of times but you only came my house once. because its super far in japan.lol.You helped me to cut my hair until become a mushroom.>
You always say :"God will make a way, when there seems to be no way."^^

Yobo!! ymy dear dear ah lao.Thanks for always being there for me! I remember that you sit beside me for 2 years and we can talk about anything under the sun.You always tell me many interesting romantic stories and dreams.huhu!! So funny lar wei.You are a cheerful and xiao kia! Nice knowing you lar.You always laugh for even little little things and bring laughther to our group when we're down.When i become in emo in the group i will only dare to approached you.Hah.Cos you are the most gentle one? heh. You will surely say not one,i know
.Then you always Help me with problems and homework i dont know.Hah.So kind yar.I always go to your house during your birthday and even stayed there.And we also talked on phone for hours, laughing and crying.I still rmb what we did.It was so funny that we sang ont he phone with accapella.lols.HAH.X).We sing like we dont need to pay the phone bill.Hah. Actually i have known you from primary school till now but last time you were too fierce.hah. i really miss the times spend together with you guys. You're good in dancing and turning around.huhu! You always teach me like a teacher about dancing.Hah.You area a funny and cheerful xiao kia! love you always my dear dear candy.i want to eat you lar!! you are so slim.woot!! muacksmuacks!kisses.I will not forget what ever that has happened before.Hehhe.

Dear son!!! you are now in Japan.Sooo far from us. and i think you can get to see Dbsk easily when they go for concerto! Huhu.so nice man! Miss you a lots here! I have got to know you from form 1 till now.but during the form1 days we were not so close like now. I know you sit behind me beside Ah bea.Hah.We got closer when we started to find another dancer and we found you!! a pro too!! yay!! We are best pals now!! We went thru many things together! I still remember we always got to the new block and use your radio."SMC" lols. So nice wei all those memories. We have got not many perf cos we started late. I rmb you like to say LOL. and you always dream of us going to SM company.WOW.Hah.and i had my haircut in your house too.We always go to your house for gathering.and we had many fun times in your house. We played girls talk too! huhu!! And your parents are nice people too! they are nice and warm! You always like to say you are not good enough but to us you are the best!!You always have weird instinct.lols.You say if this thing will turn out good then another thing will turn out bad.(Special and weird.) and dont worry about the incident the male teacher and the toilet stuff. I prayed for you already!!Sorry that sometimes i become emo last time. Now im anti-emo kia!! HAH.Hope the best in Japan! huhu! anime freak!! We really had many fun times together! love you my dear son!! Miss you always!

Yo.Hah.This girl can bring people into high mood. Hey i cant still remember vividly that we went to your house to practice dancing for that stupid competition,kl. During new year time, so fun lar wei.And i remembered we did yoga in your house.using your yoga mat and doing head stands on the wall near the staircase.To think of it now, it was quite dangerous, If we fall down.Heh.So funny. I got to know you during form 3.and i got you better in our dance group. We perform and got closer.Yeah!! but you slowly stopped joinning us for some readons.but we also go out together.Hah. We sing k and laugh like xiao kias, we also played girls talk in sueyee's house like mad people. Telling secrets and know everyone closer! i really love you this xiao kia! hehe. kisses.misses.loves.
Without forgetting out funny and joyful friend, Joychan!!

This is my my funny and cute friend. She always brings joy to us! Whenever she is around we will surely laugh.She always like to do funny stuff.and likes to hug people, esp beewahlee.
She likes to act cute, but anyway she's cute already! dont worry.stay xiao always!! like you always do, like you being around with us!! Hah.Sorry if i hurt you last time.Thanks for those birthday cards you gave me! love them and they're now stilll in my drawer, well kept. Thanks for giving it to me. Last time i dont know how to appreciate, plss forgive me.:)Thanks for always being there for me and sending me nice smses to me. Thanks for all those encouraging words from the bible! Happy to know that you have already known Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Hope you can find a church and settle down soon.Can't stop for too long!!Sorry for always bullying you. But you're always a nice and sweet girl, a kind one too!! You are like a mother to us.You always care a lot for us. and you are always good to be hugged!! Wee~love you always!muacks<3>
Without F.R
so so down and dull.

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